The cost of treatment at Poradnia depends on several factors: personal situation of the client, insurance policy coverage, psychological diagnosis, and severity of the problem in question. Below is a list of common scenarios for funding therapy at Poradnia:
For therapy reimbursed within Dutch healthcare system, there are four treatment packages (trajectories) available at Poradnia:
- Short: max. 300 minutes (3 to 5 sessions*)
- Medium: max. 500 minutes (6 to 8 sessions)
- Intensive: 750 minutes and more
- InsureToStudy (MasterPlan+ policy):
max. 800 minutes or ~12 sessions - Chronic: max. 750 minutes (max. 12 sessions)
- Incomplete**: max. 120 minutes (1 to 2 sessions)
Dutch health insurance (DSW, VGZ, ZIlveren Kruis, Achmea, etc.)
Clients who wish to be reimbursed for their treatment need the referral letter from their General Practitioner, with the information provided in this referral form (mandatory information is marked with asterisk*). It is responsibility of a client to check the extent of his/her insurance policy with their insurer.
In 2025 Poradnia NL has signed contracts with several health insurance companies (see section “Contracts in 2025).
Holders of insurance policies from these companies will be reimbursed in full (except costs of own risk/eigen risico).
EHIC insurance (European Health Insurance Card)
If you hold a valid EHIC card, and stay in the Netherlands temporarily as a European Union citizen (e.g. if you study here), you can claim full costs of therapy at Poradnia. It is important that you at the same time do not hold a Dutch health insurance – if you do, then different rules apply to you (see above).
International insurance (Cigna, Bupa, Allianz, etc.)
Treatments provided by Poradnia are usually accepted by most other international insurers, however it is important to check the coverage of you insurance policy first.
Dutch foreign student insurance (InsureToStudy, OOM, Aon, Sucsez)
InsureToStudy (MasterPlan+ policy) or OOM insurance holders are reimbursed mostly up to certain amount per year. For more information, contact your insurer directly.
Aon Student Insurance holders are reimbursed up to certain number of therapy sessions. For more information, check the conditions your insurance policy or contact Aon directly.
German krankenkassen
Reimbursement offered by krankenkassen depends on individual insurance policy, and usually covers psychological treatment outside of Germany. Clients receive the bill directly at the end of the treatment and declare it with their insurance provider.
In 2025, Poradnia NL has signed contracts with the following insurers:
1. DSW, including:
- Stad Holland
2. VGZ, including:
- VGZ Bewuzt
- Unive
- Zekur
- UMC Zorgverzekering
- United Consumers
3. Achmea, including:
- Zilveren Kruis
- Interpolis
- ZieZo
- De Friesland
- De christelijke zorgverzekeraar
Individuals with policies with these insurance companies are reimbursed in full for the therapy, with the exception of the cost of own contribution (eigen risico). Financial settlements are made directly with the insurer, without the intermediation of the client.
In addition, holders of a valid
- EHIC (European Health Insurance Card)
can get 100% of their therapy costs reimbursed. The reimbursement is arranged via Dutch EHIC insurance intermediary, Zilveren Kruis. You can claim your healthcare bills directly on their website: claim your bills.
Tariffs for insured care
Below are rates for diagnostic and therapeutic sessions as laid out by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) for 2025:
Diagnostic sessions (including intake):
- from 5 minutes: € 40,71
(declaration code CO0042) - from 15 minutes: € 70,87
(declaration code CO0172) - from 30 minutes: € 118,50
(declaration code CO0302) - from 45 minutes: € 166,04
(declaration code CO0432) - from 60 minutes: € 190,88
(declaration code CO0562) - from 75 minutes: € 232,71
(declaration code CO0692) - from 90 minutes: € 285,28
(declaration code CO0822) - from 120 minutes: € 395,59
(declaration code CO0952)
- from 5 minutes: € 40,71
Therapeutic sessions:
- from 5 minutes: € 32,34
(declaration code CO0107) - from 15 minutes: € 58,25
(declaration code CO0237) - from 30 minutes: € 100,01
(declaration code CO0367) - from 45 minutes: € 142,29
(declaration code CO0497) - from 60 minutes: € 168,94
(declaration code CO0627) - from 75 minutes: € 207,96
(declaration code CO0757) - from 90 minutes: € 254,06
(declaration code CO0887) - from 120 minutes: € 361,79
(declaration code CO1017)
- from 5 minutes: € 32,34
Private sessions:
- 60 minutes: € 160,00
No-show (absence) fee:
- €120,00 for non-attended session, or session cancelled later than 48 hours (2 days) – non-refundable by insurance.
Poradnia NL issues monthly bills for treatment covered by Dutch insurance schemes.
For clients insured with EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), invoice for sessions provided in previous months is issued at the beginning of next month.
NEW: Unfortunately, in 2025 it is not possible to start therapy with Dutch health insurance other than one we have contract with.
Own contribution (eigen risico)
It is possible to arrange private (not-reimbursed by most insurance companies) consultations.
In 2025 the cost of 60-minute private session is €160,00.
Standard fee for missed appointment (no-show) is €120,00.
The appointment is considered non attended if cancellation takes place less than 48 hours (2 days) before previously agreed scheduled session.
Care performance model (Zorgprestatiemodel)
From 01-01-2022, a new funding system for the whole mental health care system in the Netherlands is introduced in the form of so-called care performance model (zorgprestatiemodel).
How does the care performance model work?
The name says it all: the foundation of the care performance model consists of performance. These performances are recognizable for everyone and they reflect the actually provided care. The rates are based on who performs the treatment and the place where the treatment takes place. The care performance model is transparent: the performances are clear and well-arranged and are an actual representation of the care you have received. The prices are in line with the care you have received. Factors such as the profession of the person performing the treatment, the duration of each consultation, the place where the care is provided, all weigh in when determining the price for the care provided.
For practitioners, the new model means less administration. They no longer have to register minutes spent on providing therapy, administrative tasks and so on. The rules and checks are simpler. And there is faster insight into the costs for both the patient and the practitioner.
You no longer have to wait until the end of the therapy to calculate the final cost, because the performance is no longer linked to so-called trajectory, but to duration of care per day. This means that declarations (i.e. invoices which you can send to your insurer for reimbursement) can also be made much faster.
What does this change mean for you?
You will have a better overview of exactly when and by whom you were treated and for how long. The invoices will be issued each month, with clear breakdown of time and activities spent on your therapy (e.g. diagnosis, therapeutic direct contact, collegial consultation, and so on). Your file will contain recognisable information that you can easily check. You also get the bill faster. This way you know sooner what costs have been incurred and whether you have to pay a deductible.
From 1 January 2022, the bill will also contain the type of care demand (zorgvraagtypering) – a short description of the kind of problems a patient experiences, its severity, and what care is needed to properly address it.
You will receive bills from your practitioner on the basis of care performance, and you will therefore be reimbursed by these measure by your health insurer. You can find these care performances in the digital environment of your health insurer by logging into your health insurance account.
If your deductible (eigen risico) applies, this is also done on the basis of care performance. The new care performance model will come into effect on 1 January 2022. This requires many adjustments to computer systems, both by your practitioner and by the health insurers. That is why it is not yet possible to declare the accounts as of 1 January 2022. It is expected that declarations will be possible by 1 April 2022 at the latest.
What care performances will be indicated on your bill?
Four different care performances are possible:
- Diagnostic consultation: during the diagnostic stage, your therapist will investigate what are your difficulties, in order to establish a psychological diagnosis;
- Treatment consultation: during the treatment you will talk to your therapist with the aim of resolving or making your problem manageable;
- Peer (collegial) consultation: if your therapist considers it necessary for your treatment to consult with an external colleague;
- Travel time: if the therapist has to come to you to provide therapy or diagnosis;
- Group consultations: if you participate in a group therapy.
The rate for these services depends on the profession of your therapist and the duration of the consultation. Group size also plays a role in group therapy. There are separate rates for independent healthcare providers, such as Poradnia NL. The rates are therefore different (and often lower) than the rates for mental health care provided by and within an institution or a clinic. The rates are set nationally by the Dutch Healthcare Authority.
What happens to your deductible?
Up to and including 31 December 2021, you paid the deductible once per treatment process of a maximum of 365 days, regardless of the start date of the treatment process.
This is going to change. From 1 January 2022, the deductible for mental health care per calendar year will be used.
For more information about the care performance model and the rates, see:
Copyright: Landelijke Vereniging van Vrijgevestigde Psychologen & Psychotherapeuten (
General Payment Conditions
Payment conditions for services provided by Poradnia are in line with the standard payment conditions as laid out by the Netherlands Institute of Psychologists. These are as follows:
These general terms and conditions are applicable to all consulting, assessment and treatment agreements, agreed upon orally and/or in writing between the psychologist and the client.
All fees, costs and other remuneration of the services provided by Poradnia, and agreed orally and/or in writing between the psychologist and the client must be paid either by card or in cash after each session, or – in case of payment after completing entire treatment – within the time indicated on the final invoice.
If the customer has not paid the amount due within the period indicated in point 2., or if the payment has not been received within ten days after the indicated payment period, the client is considered in arrears without any further written or oral notice. The client is then due on the outstanding amount to the psychologist + statutory interests.
In the case described in point 3., the psychologist is immediately entitled to collect the claim or to nominate third parties (e.g. bailiff) to collect the amount due. All judicial and extra-judicial costs associated with the collection of fees due shall be borne by the client.

empowerment. responsibility. participation.
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